Parents are universally impressed with our programs, with the effect they have on their children (sometimes transformational):  the improvement in their skills and their confidence levels, and with the high quality of the accomplishments the children display in the final performances.

Here is a typical sample of the many comments we receive from parents:

Just wanted to say “thanks!” for all the work you and your team have put into this virtual class. 

My daughter has enjoyed watching the videos and practicing the dances. I think for her, having the ability to watch it over and over was an advantage of it being online as she’s never had dance lessons.  I was really hoping that things would clear up and we could see the show in person (I love the music!) but alas, you guys have still made the best of the situation. Just wanted to say we appreciate your time and energy. It has helped to fill some time while we were at home! — Nancy from Perth

I just wanted to thank you for all your work with “Fame” and give you some feedback. 

My daughter was so excited all day for the zoom meeting. When she finished, she was jumping for joy and saying how much fun she had!  It was the happiest I’ve seen her since the Covid restrictions started.  Thank you thank you thank you! –Janice from Ottawa


“Thank you so much to all the Musical Theatre staff who made tonight so special for my daughter. Thank you for all the hard work your staff put into preparing videos so she could practise her lines, dances and songs. Your staff are always so helpful and it is remarkable that this was all able to be done on-line amid Covid. My daughter was so happy she was able to participate. Thank you so much for all your efforts.” –Nicole from Ottawa

We did want to let you know how happy we were to receive your positive, excited message, and our family is thrilled for you and for the whole community that the Academy is able to endure for this season and hopefully in many more seasons to come! These days, we definitely do need something to bring us out the darkness and into the light, and your message hit the spot. –Beth from Kingston

Thank you!  My daughter is excited and your email could not have come at a better time, as she’s been feeling the effects of this extended shutdown. People like you and your staff are keeping us going with your creativity. — Kealey from Ottawa


My daughter has been a participant in the Academy of Musical Theatre for the last three years.  I can’t say enough about this amazing program, led by Heidi Stepanek. The program not only nurtures their participants as performers but also as caring individuals.  The space that Heidi and her team creates is a positive, encouraging and safe space for all participants. Heidi makes each participant feel a sense of belonging to the performance by sharing out the key roles amongst the group.  She works with them on singing, acting and performing skills. I am truly amazed with what she gets out of each participant! As they say in showbiz, the show must go on! During this difficult period that we are in with physical distancing, Heidi has found a new way to keep going, through an on-line environment.  Grace was so excited to receive her script in the mail! She is engaged with the YouTube videos that Heidi and her team are making each week. It is a great learning opportunity and a wonderful activity during these challenging times.  I am thankful for Heidi and her team for their continued efforts and perseverance during this situation. I look forward to seeing another outstanding performance from the Academy of Musical Theatre!

Thank you, Heidi & team, for all you do!  We are blessed to have found you.  

—Janice from Ottawa

You are doing an amazing job of engaging my daughter. Thank you from the bottom of my working at home trying to keep the kids engaged heart.  I uploaded her videos today. She made them all by herself. I’m so proud she took care of this alone. I wish you could get the school board working at your level. And our older daughter’s dance program.  Really, you are my COVID hero. —Dana from Ottawa

I would like to say a big thank you to you and the staff for not cancelling the play and making this pandemic a little more fun and entertaining then it is at the moment I am looking forward to putting a show that I’m not too familiar with and doing so in a different way because of the circumstances!  —Rosita from Perth

 “Each group of kids year after year benefits from your vision, passion and commitment. There may be easier ways to make a living and more “glamorous” ones but none more beneficial to the kids, their families and our society as a whole.” –Mark from Winnipeg


“It did my heart good to see Sophie up there on stage in front of a crowd singing and dancing – something that I never thought I’d see 6 months ago. I think that just by doing that, Sophie has more confidence in herself and it will help her deal with other issues.” —Jane from Perth


“What an immense difference Heidi and PAMT have made to Chloe’s life — her singing has improved so much and more importantly her confidence in herself and her creativity. You would never know from this video how painfully shy she was at 7 or 8. I am so grateful to Heidi for being such an inspiring teacher.” —Anne from Carleton Place


“Heidi’s theatre experience is incredible! She provides a fun, dynamic, supportive, and positive environment where kids can have a blast, be focused, and come away with an immense sense of accomplishment. Thanks Heidi and crew!” —Sarah from Perth


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